December 02, 2018

blogmas #1 : the christmas countdown begins.

Yes you read that right....BLOGMAS BABY!

teacup filled with liquid placed on saucerIf your new to blogmas, the idea is that I will be uploading blog posts everyday up until Christmas!

Thats 25 daily uploads! 

I want to challenge myself to take blogmas as an opportunity to write more and dedicate some time to the blog, as I've pretty much neglected it a lot this year. Side note: the posts will always recap the day before and sometimes they may not even be Christmas related at all! 


My tree isn't up, decorations are still storage and I don't even have an advent calendar! Instead I spent the day in bed to cope with the crippling pain of menstruation. And mother nature days deserve copious cups of tea, my cuddly dog shaped hot water bottle, a paracetamol every 4 hours and intermittent naps...

Ok so I'm not feeling very festive at all, that is until I read Lydia Millen's latest blog post and this really resonated with me: 


I've always loved Christmas, I used to be one of those people who got the vibe early and would buy everything in sight that was Christmas related. I've always prided myself as a good gift giver. I love the look on my friends/families faces when they open their gifts and its that thing they mentioned only once to me and never expected I'd buy. That look of genuine excitement and disbelief that I actually remembered and they actually have that gift. I LOVE THAT, I'M ALL ABOUT THAT!

But I've noticed that for a few Christmas's I've not been enjoying the lead up to Christmas. The festive spirit doesn't hit me until on the actual day itself. I stopped appreciating that December really marks the end of the year instead I'm so focused on setting new year goals and wishing the year could end so that next year can be "my year" - how many of us have already seen online that if you haven't planned 2019 your already behind!

Like really, why are we always so in a rush to get to the future and never take the time to enjoy the present?

I am so guilty of this and have been for quite some years and the more I'm "adulting" the harder it is to not feel overwhelmed by every day life happening emotions that I know take me out of the moment and keep me concentrated on my worries. 

Being unemployed also means Christmas this year is definitely happening on a tight budget, which has also been a bit of a buzz kill. But you know what I cant allow that to spoil my mood, I have to and can overcome my default Grinch mode settings - and if that means watching all the 'Home Alone' films, including Home Alone 3 that sucks big time, repeatedly to get that sparkle in me going...then I will! 

This is the last month of 2018 and I'm determined to end the year on a high! I really hope participating in blogmas will help me, and anyone struggling to feel merry right now, create a festive spirit and be more present to enjoy the last weeks of 2018.

So no we're not decking the halls just yet, but it is only the beginning of the month so theres still time...happy blogmas, lets create some magic!😊

what do you do to get that festive feeling?

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