April 03, 2018

its ok if your not there yet.

 Dress: Primark (alternatives linked below) - Shoes: H&M (similar here) - Fedora: Missy EmpireSunglasses: Asos 

You cant hide from it on social media, I'm always discussing it with friends, praying about it to God and trying to make sense of it all with my parents who dont see things the way I do.

Life goals.

1. Get good grades
2. Secure the best job
3. Become financially stable
4. Settle down
5. Own property
6. Have children

In today's society there is so much pressure to be successful and the bragging culture on social media intensifies this feeling that everyone seems to have their s**t together. 

Jemma's changed her facebook status from "in a relationship" to "enagaged". Mark just got a promotion. Kelly and Ben just posted a picture of the keys to their new house. Ashley's moving abroad for a new job. Camila's bought a brand new car! Nina is having a baby...again.

Does it make me a failure at life, if none of these are my reality?

Sometimes it can certainly feel like it is and its really hard to not to get caught up in the comparison game.

The average life spans 80 years and society tells us that by 30 years old you should have already gone through these life events. But why the rush? Why is success measured by only these goals in particular? What do I do for the rest of my 50+ years. Wait for retirement and death? Why do we consider our lives obsolete past a certain timeframe? 

Its time for a reality check if you feel like your running out of time.

Redefine what success means to you
Its time to get out of your own way by thinking success can only be achieved one way and by a certain age. And its definitely time to shift your perception and realise success is different for everyone. Let go of "should" - countless influences highlight what we should have, should be doing, should buy. Stop being spoon-fed society's norms and you'll have the freedom to make the choices right for you. 

Trust The Process
Yup cliché I know, but if you really take the time to break it down its more than just a clever IG hashtag. 
Its the crux of this argument. 
Relentlessly pursuing a certain ideal will only bring you stress. Put some distance between the goals and your happiness and in time you will learn that the latter is not dependent on the former. Dont let slow progress fool you to believe you cant be proud of the life your living. IT IS STILL PROGRESS. Life is too precious to squander your years feeling unworthy and not enough.

Focus on enjoying the journey, not just the destination.


Live out your own timeline.
Dont let anyone else's success define your own. Just because they may be "winning" doesn't mean your failing! The only person you should be competing with is yourself and the only thing that will limit you is your thinking. If J.K Rowling believed she was "past it" and not as talented as other writers we'd never have seven Harry Potter books. A world without Harry Potter...wtf!??

Celebrate who you are. There's only one you and you cant spend your time wishing you were someone else!!!!! Focus on you and take the time to really know who you are. What we think of ourselves is more important than ticking off society's stereotypical boxes.

You get one life, stop rushing it along.

Some things may take a little longer but you have time.

I promise you its ok if your not there yet.

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