October 02, 2014


From left to right: Frankie, Linda and Gary

Sunday 15th September aka day 3 of LFW aka the funnest day ever!

Picking my ootd I had one concern in mind "comfortability" I had nearly boiled to death on day 1 and the soles of my feet where on fire on day 2 so for day 3 I had to be comfortable! This scuba material sweater from Choies is so soft and was warm enough to wear without a jacket, I was drawn to the print as its like nothing I have seen on the high street before and just had to have it - First off anything with a high waist is a yes for me and I love the length and drop of these culottes from Dorothy Perkins, now to find them in white... - Do you guys remember me first talking about my heels, probably not, so let me link it here "Cant afford it? Dupe it!" perhaps I should do more of those? They resemble the Alexander Wang Freja boots and were £8.99 like how can you fault it???

Day 3 was really quiet on the show front, I mean there were shows just I wasn't invited to them lol! Sooooo I met up with Jen and Gary in Holborn to enjoy some Nandos! We were soon joined by Linda (the funniest person you will ever meet!) and Frankie and from that moment on for the rest of the day I never stopped laughing. It is so nice and rare to meet people for the first time and instantly have a great connection and just have such a good time together. 

After we finished at Nandos we made our way to Somerset House for a bit of streetstyle spotting...it was dead. There were photographers waiting to snap people but no one to snap! lol. so we decided to have a shoot of our own! When we were quite finished we made our way to the M.E Hotel to see a show but after queuing for what seemed like forever we were ushered inside the hotel, along the lobby and then just as we were about to enter the lifts, we were turned away!  

So with our first rejection of the day we decided to cut our losses and make our way to Camden for the launch of London based fashion house Musée Noir AW14 collection. Think edgy urban street wear, think Kanye West's wardrobe, lots of leather and a stylish twist on your everyday essentials. Unfortunately my phone/camera battery died so I was unable to get a lot of shots of the collection but check out Gary's post for more pics and even a vlog of the entire day! ThePlasticBoy.com

I did find some random photos of the night on my phone though....

To say we had fun is an understatement. Good music. Good drinks. Good company. Good vibes only. Thanks guys for hanging out :) and thanks to Jen & Frankie who always let me tag along hehe both this year and last year, I would not have experienced nearly half the things I have if it wasn't for you both xxx

I guess that rounds up LFW! Day 3 was my last day in attendance I decided to forgo day 4 as it was my birthday and just wanted to have the day to myself and have a lie in lol. Posting up my LFW experience in its entirety has been hard work! But I hoped you have all enjoyed my posts, I have loved putting it all together and reading all your comments, it really makes my day!

Its goodbye til next year fashion week!
Lavinya x


  1. I need those culottes in my life!!!!


  2. You all look lovely, especially love your shoes! What a bargain. Glad you had fun, and happy (belated) birthday! x

  3. Oh love you look gorgeous. I just love the top the colours are lovely. The outfit is spot on. What lens do you use, your photos are perfect. x

    Heroine In Heels

  4. I feel like I'm at the point where comfort overcomes everything. If I'm not comfortable, I don't enjoy anything. That's why I always pick out my shoes first and plan around it. Glad you had a great 3 and happy birthday!!

  5. such a cool outfit!

  6. all the outfits are so fab!


  7. I absolutely love that sweatshirt! You guys all look amazing


  8. Your outfit was amazing as were all your LFW outfit! Love the third photo with your clique haha! xoxo

    ♡Kudzai || NEWKIDBLOGS

  9. Awwww, so much fun you had! You were looking so fly! :) love all the pictures! xx

  10. wow ! you look so adorable !


  11. You guys looks stylist :D


  12. Love your culottes, you look amazing!

  13. Great sweatshirt! I love the colours!

    xo T.

  14. Everyone is so stylish!! Loving that top of yours and the whole look!


  15. all of you look amazing

    x Mounia

  16. Love your look! Very effortless and chic! Looks like you all enjoyed yourself


  17. I remember searching everywhere for that bag! So happy when I finally got. Love the culottes! x
