June 08, 2014


I love to read. I like the idea of losing myself in the characters, and sometimes, becoming them with each page turned. I think thats what keeps me engrossed in TV shows. I am Caroline Forbes (nope can't stand Elena), I am Arya, I am Olivia Pope (only on her good days though not her beg friend Fitz days). Reading is not just about following a story its an opportunity to increase your understanding, learn something new and take yourself on a new journey using your imagination, and with each book comes the chance to be someone different. 

I know Easter seems so long ago but during that time I gave up TV shows for Lent. I know that sounds silly right? But at the time a considerable amount of my days were being spent watching what I can only describe as epic dramas. Game of Thrones, Scandal, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, The Vampire Diaries, Scandal...the list is extensive and while I really enjoyed watching them all I was very consciously aware of how much time I was spending attached to my laptop and how other activities I used to enjoy I rarely was doing, one of the being reading. So since then I have been getting back into the swing of things and I thought I would share with you what I've had my nose buried in lately!

In May I read 'The Fault in Our Stars' - (TFIOS) p.s this book is amazing and a must read, by the very same author and if you have read that book you already know what a wonderful emotional rollercoaster the story is so I had to check out his work further. It was a lot harder to get into than TFIOS it didn't leave me all emotional like TFIOS but it was still a good read. The story focuses on a young boy called Miles who leaves home to attend boarding school in hopes of escaping the mundanity of his existing life and hopefully discovering a life worth living - what he encounters are the usual attributes: pranks, hook-ups, and illicit activities involving alcohol and cigarettes. But the story goes beyond that as a tragic occurrence shakes the world of these teenagers and they are faced with issues of loss, suffering, and meaning of life. 

Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher - Now I must admit I probably wouldnt have come across this author if it was not for her equally talented husband Tom Fletcher from McFly. I cant tell you how many times Ive watched his wedding "speech" song - its just the most romantic thing ever! A through his vlogs I discovered Giovanna is a writer so I thought I would give her book a try and I was pleasantly surprised. I think some aspects of the storyline is based on her personal experience on dating a celebrity and I quite liked reading it from that perspective. Its a love story about love defying the odds and it gets a thumbs up from me!

I've begun buying my books on Amazon.co.uk, I know I will miss out of the great rewards bigger book store chains like Waterstones, Foyles offer but I get to buy the books for almost half the price and delivered the next day! I have provided links to the books if you fancy purchasing them! Hope you all are having a great weekend. If you have any recommendations on books I should read please let me know and if you have read any of the above then let me know in the comments section what you thought and lets chat! 

Lavinya x

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