June 10, 2014


Morning guys! So I was hoping to get this post up today but I've been so rushed off my feet I wont have a chance, so I will leave you with a heads up of what's to come! Its all about statement necklaces! I am currently going through a chuck, keep, give clear out in my room and realised just how many statement necklaces I own and thought why not show you guys my favs out of bunch!

I would love to say the clear out is because I am moving out into my own apartment but the reality is I am redecorating and my room is in desperate need of being de-cluttered. In a couple more years, God willing, I will have the money to move but in the meantime upgrading my room will have to do lol. I have become obsessed with interior design and have so many ideas, but that will have to wait for a future post!

I should have the post up later this week!
Lavinya x

ps: I am going to see Justin Timberlake at the O2 today! I am stressing about what to wear but I am sooooo excited!