November 09, 2012


Hey GUYS! its DIY FRIDAY! :) Today I'm going to show you how to customise your beanie hats!

1. What you will need: •A beanie hat (Mine is from eBay) •Spiked studs (eBay or HERE or HERE) •Ruler 
•Marker (I used a white eyeliner pencil) •Screwdriver

2. Turn the beanie inside out and fold the edge of the beanie inwards to however thick you want the band of the hat to be. TIP: if in general you do not wear your beanie folded proceed to **.

3. Then measure the height of the folded band, half that length and mark a line along the beanie.
**Mark a horizontal line an inch up from the bottom of the beanie. 
This line will be our guideline for applying the studs.

4. The studs come in two parts; the screw bottom and the spiked top.

5. Poke the screwed bottom through the beanie DOWNWARDS on the line you have made. 
Insert pic: this is to show you how the screw will look when you work it through the fabric. You do not have to make any holes, just use the screw to do the work BUT make sure your pushing the screw FLATSIDE UP! (as seen in main pic).

6. Screw on the spike top (insert pic) and then proceed to tighten the screw using the screwdriver (main pic).

7. Continue steps 5+6 along the marked line. 
TIP: Depending on how many studs you want to use or how you would like yours to look, I would make sure the studs are at least 1inch apart. 

8. When you fold out the beanie it should look like this. I used 19 studs in total. 

9. Turn the beanie the right side out, fold the beanie edge and VOILA!

This literally took 10mins tops to do and I have already ordered more spikes so I can do my other hats! Plus my plain cap from eBay came during the week so I will be creating the spiked CAPPED hat I was talking about HERE soon so stay tuned :)

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! HAPPY DIY FRIDAY!!



  1. Love this DIY I have an old beanie might give it a go :) Looks so good on you too!

    Frankie xxx

    1. Hehe thanks Frankie xxx I am on a studding frenzy...I think i'm an addict lol xxxx

  2. I love this!!1

  3. You're so creative. I really want to try this on a pair of glows.

    xo, Bettina
