May 13, 2012

Just One Of Them Days...That A Girl Goes Through

I'm noticing a regular pattern of sunday posting HMMMM.... well Sunday happens to be my ONLY day of rest so I guess I subconsciously grab the opportunity to blog...and why not eh? 

I have not been feeling well this week and work drained all my energy but hey thats life right!?! Saying that though I am in need of a holiday, spa weekend just something to break up the monotony and give my body a rest. Ive always wanted to go to Paris so maybe I could combine the two!? *Note to self* "Start looking ASAP!"

Today has just been "One of them days..." felt abit slow and unmotivated so I just decided to give into the feeling and spend the day perusing the internet. I love coming across blogs I've never read before it gives me fuel to continue blogging and inspiration for my next posts. Heres a few I came across today:

For Fashion&Beauty

For Shopping: Jewellery

Rings & Tings
Dolly Bow Bow

Also came across two clothing websites Aqua by Aqua and Virgos Lounge, I'm loving these items!

Klum Chain Print Jumpsuit by Aqua by Aqua : £56.00
Alexa Sheer Lace Maxi Dress by VirgosLounge : £44.99
I absolutely love the shape of the maxi dress, I'm looking for one in a more brighter summery colour with a more open maxi skirt that starts at the waist rather than the navel, I just don't seem to be able to find it anywhere (they do exist, I'm not crazy lol)....may DIY it.

To cheer myself up I bought myself some shoes! :) Shoes are my therapy lol.
With the craze around creepers came the follow up appearance of FLATFORMS
I admit I'm not crazy in love with creepers, I do like them just don't think they like me lol, so flatworm sandals seem to be my better alternative. Shopping around I came across these from ebay:

                                                             Ebay Open Toe Wedge FlatForms : £17.99 + 3.49PP

I really like the nude, black and dusky pink ones. Maybe payday I may just invest! But I probably won't because I found a pair on the H&M website on SALE! WHOOP!

For only £14.99 I am a very happy shopper :) can't wait for them to arrive! Ive never actually bought shoes from H&M so I hope I got the sizing right! Thinking of adding a few studs around the ankles and toe opening to rock them up abit for summer! You can find them here!

Well guys thats your lot for today, what did you get upto this weekend?

Love L x

1 comment:

  1. So happy you found my blog :) keep in touch
