May 24, 2012


Hello hunnies, hope you all have been having a great week!
 The sun has been out in London recently (yaaaaaaay!) but I haven't been able to enjoy it, I'm hoping the weather will hold out til the weekend, I may chill in the park with some friends :)

I've been on a mission for a while...a job hunting mission...and let me tell aint easy :(
Hours of searching turns into hours of wasted time and what was once an enthusiastic spirit becomes a broken one *sigh* I have been really frustrated lately and its beginning to show at work sometimes. I just resent being there. Don't get me wrong I love my friends at work tbh their the only thing that get me through the day, but the constant early starts and monotonous work really drains my energy. I want OUT!
But at the same time I give God thanks for the provision of work, I'm sure the unemployment life would be a lot worse.

As you can imagine I could really do with a holiday, I unfortunately don't have any planned this year, I really wanted to make a go of saving, but even thats proving difficult.

Oh hunnies its been a baaaaaaaaaad week.

Looking back on my holiday pictures I took in Egypt...such a beautiful place the pics bring back very good feelings :) 
I always get a big bolt of uplifting energy when I am holiday, the sun, sea and free,
Maybe I could plan something before the years up anywhere but here lol...

Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 2011

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