February 01, 2021


 Februarys Note


I don't know about you, but I find it really satisfying when the beginning of a new month starts on a Monday. The alignment feels so welcoming and optimistic, I'm certainly praying for a prosperous and happy month.

As much as I was excited to see 2021, I had a feeling that remnants of 2020 would still show themselves and for that reason I decided to purposefully take January  s l o w l y. 

There were parts of lockdown last year that completely took a toll on me in ways I didn't see coming. My outlook on life was bleak and this affected my motivation to show up for myself and for activities that would normally bring me so much joy, blogging being one of them. I was in no position to be the blogger who "provided an escape from everyday life" because I simply couldn't separate fashion blogging from a global pandemic, daily reports of racial injustice and political unrest. 

When it hit December I realised I spent the entire year worrying so much about things that are not in my control, that I had let myself, and the things I love, fall through the cracks and I knew I didn't want to repeat that this year. 

So in the spirit of New Years I made the list. Yes, a resolutions list. But instead of rushing into 2021 thinking that January 1st was going to magically undo all of my past habits, I decided to "sit" with my goals for the month. 

By "sit" I mean realistically think about if these goals have to hold a place in my life...if I have any business trying to hold myself up to these expectations. This is probably why I've broken many a resolution in the past. Setting these, well intentioned, but grand expectations of myself without having prepared for the leg work or considering the kind of life I already lead.   

For example #6 on my list is "run a marathon" - my inner monologue went something like this "first of all the last time you "ran" was for a bus, pre-covid, and you spent the rest of the journey wheezing on the back seat. You don't even workout? or jog????.... the one time you did the Chloe Ting Abs challenge does not count. What you need to do is get out that cute gym gear sitting in your back of your closet and try a squat..."   

Another example is goal #3 - "read 50 books" and that went something like "...Lavinya why 50? why that number? How many books did you read in 2020?...thats right zero. because Netflix is life. Do you really think this will be your last time re-watching Bridgerton? Girl you know you got it bad for Regé-Jean Page, and even if you don't re-watch it you gon' fall down a RJP rabbit hole on Youtube. So lets start with a book and try to finish that at least."

I know my inner monologue is ruuuuuude. lol🙄

But the moral of the shade is - learn to crawl before you walk...or run lol.

And it's been working, so I advise you to do the same. 

If January didn't quite start how you hoped, that's ok. After the year we've had I wouldn't blame anyone if they were still making the most of the comfort of home and familiarity. But, if you are planning on making a change, of course challenge yourself, but make it manageable, take practical steps. 

It's not that running a marathon could never be a goal of mine, it's just isn't a goal that present me (who paid gym membership for a whole year and never went!) could achieve right now but committing to consistently working out is a great place to start...like todays post. 

I know that Blogmas was a fail...really sorry...but I will be posting this year. I've been brainstorming some ideas and I've figured out I need to create a posting schedule and stick to it! 🤞🏽

🙏 I'm praying things go positively and you see a lot more of me here. 


I hope you have a very happy February!  

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