February 14, 2019


A look back so we can look forward...✍🏾  happy new year!

Dear blog fam,

Now y'all know I occasionally go ghost on my blog. amirite? I be here and then I don't be here  🤷🏽 - the truth is even though its not my job (yet) to make blog content...it is my passion and like a lot of passions the energy for them can dip 🎢 or focus on other things. But just so were clear, since 2012, no matter how long I'm gone for, I be's coming back, and I always will.

First, lets address the big-ass-grey-four-legged-long-trunk-having-never-forgetting-friend in the room... blogmas...didn't quite go to plan eh? 

I had real belief that I would smash it ha! what do I really know lol?? I only managed 3 posts (I'm so sorry 🤦🏽‍♀️) but apparently my laptop had other plans for the last month of 2018. First it was problems with the hard-drive and now its the batteryI was beyond fed up with dealing with laptop malfunctions, frustrated with myself about the pressure I had applied to create content around the busiest time of the year, with no real preparation, and tired of looking for employment that does more than credit me back the price of a flat white and a meal deal, y'know while my other financial responsibilities side eye me 👀. I even had to forgo paying some of those bills just to survive December and lets just say Argos gets pretty relentless with their 😡📞 when you miss a £22.14 payment...thankfully thats all sorted but *whew chillay*

Life has been moving fast and I haven't been able keep up. 

Mind and body shutdown creatively and physically. It just stopped, it was like "...nah" ✋🏽 - just like my laptop. 

So I took that as a sign to have a bit of time offline...therefore no more blogmas.

Btw I had a great Christmas break - food, family and fun. I made them binge watch "The Haunting of Hill House" in 2 days...not exactly in keeping with the festive spirit 👻 ≠ 🎄, but it had to be done. They thought it was epic, it was a #proudmoment for me, we then watched 5 Christmas movies to counteract the scares.lol.

Pretty much spend 24/7 here - my desk is in need of a serious makeover...remember when it looked like this!

"Be strong!",  I whispered to my WiFi signal...
January was given over to God, I prayed, I fasted, I asked for His presence in my life. I emptied myself of all online consumption that was keeping me full but not fed. Just staying quiet. True I suffered some FOMO; absentmindedly reaching for my phone in the mornings, and it pained me to see my following count drop massively, heartbreaking in fact, but over time I've got over it. 

Now its mid Feb (already?!) and I feel like the inspiration is flowing again, like the ideas that have been swirling around in my head for months are now finally being manifested. I cant wait to share new content with you!

I've no fancy IG story-style review of 2018* to show you just a quick recap: I did three internships 👩🏽‍💻, dipped my toes in the freelance world and chased invoices 💸 like a big girl. I returned to medical reception work 🏥, it was brief as I was reminded why I was right to leave this type of work in 2017 and wrong to bring it into 2018 - note to self: always move forward, never go back. I worked with a few brands on sponsored content, modelled for a jewellery line 📸 and was a guest on a 🎤 podcast. I ended things with my BFF. Remained happily single 🥰. Practiced more self-care by way of journalling 📓. Tried but failed at Veganism (🍔= weakness), began slowly mastering the art of eyeshadow and became very reliant on flat-white's ☕ - 2018 not too shabby?! 

Now 2019 is here and I'm not about to hit you with the "this is my year" spiel but I will say...I'm motivated for it to be 20-MINE-TEEN. 

I got next.

*Just know that if 2019 goes the way 
I hope it does my IG story's gonna bang. 
I'm using filters, gifs, memes, 
long ass fake woke captions, 
that Unfold app. the lot. ha!

Thank you sincerely for supporting my blog throughout 2018, thank you for taking the time to read, share, like on bloglovin and comment - I appreciate it all! ❤️ I'm open to blog post suggestions so lets talk! Let me know how 2018 went or how 2019 is treating you so far! 👇🏽

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