November 08, 2017


Hey GuysI've been thinking about new content for the blog and I came across an article by Gary Vaynerchuk: "Document, Dont Create" which inspired this idea of putting together a post rounding up each week. Sort of like mini diary which I think would be cool for me to look back on and a way for y'all to know me better. Ideally I would like these posts to go up on Sundays and every first Sunday of the new month I'll include my monthly favourites. So yes todays post is three days late but just this once, lets pretend that today is Sunday and lets recap some highlights of October...

  • Back to business.  I've had some up and downs with blogging this month. I resumed daily posting on instagram instead of my usual scattered/random posting and I was really excited to share new content and got really positive engagement. Despite this, I started to get caught up in the affects of IG's dreaded algorithm. Blogging Lows: I still cant seem to make it past 1.7k followers and I've been on this number for what feels like years. I hate to be that blogger who complains about followers but it would discourage anyone if when you post you lose followers or gained tons of fake profiles! Not going to pretend that this didn't have me in my feelings especially as I aimed (and failed) to get to 2k followers by the end of summer, but I really love instagram and I love sharing my outfits so I guess I just have to keep working at it *ahem shameless plug* Would love you guys to follow me >>> thisislavinya 

  • Blogging Highs: Two of my makeup looks from my Influenster voxbox review – did you see the post here? - were reposted by @InfluensterUK on their instagram page, and for the first time since I started this blog in 2012, I earned my first blogging payment. whooo! it wasn't much but it's not about the amount, it just felt really good to see how taking my blogging seriously in the last few months paid off! Another high was getting a shout out from Buzzfeed Journalist, Victoria Sanusi on twitter, pic aboveHonestly for a Buzzfeed reporter to acknowledge my work is mindblowing and was such a boost to my confidence, which I can admit wavers at times. The tweet really made my day!

  • Case of the ex. Talking about the unexpected, my university ex contacted me to…apologise. It’s been eight years since I last saw/spoke to him so I’ve had plenty of time to put our relationship woes to rest and wasn’t in need of “closure” but I am happy that “uni me” got an apology…she really really deserved and I'm really proud of how "2017 me" handled the convo, she's come a long way. *growth*

  • The Walkie-Talkie. Mum and I topped the month off with tickets to the Sky Gardens in Fenchurch Street - check out the view below! - Sometimes it’s really easy to forget the beauty of your own city, but at 525ft from the 37th floor there’s no mistaking how stunning London is. It’s ironic as were both scared of heights but I can't tell you enough how amazing it was to go up there, it was a highlight not just for October but for 2017. You must go, its free!
Taken on my iPhone 7


  • Calvin Klein Crossbody Bag I was bought this bag as a bday present, in September and it hasn't left my body since. I am usually a person who carries everything but the kitchen sink in a big shoulder bag but now I can pack my daily necessities. Its spacious, stylish and goes with everything in my wardrobe. Everyone needs a little black bag.

  • The Confession Tapes on Netflix I'm a bit obsessed with crime documentaries and season 1 of the confession tapes examines seven real life cases in which people convicted of murder may have been coerced into confessing to crimes they very possibly didn't commit. It’s really fascinating to watch the breakdown of each case and really does leave you questioning the judicial system and the “innocence” the accused. I was particularly touched by the "8th and H" case, just so sadIf you liked "Making a Murderer" or the “Serial” podcast then I would definitely recommend watching this.

  • Makeup Obsession Eyeshadow E161 Paris. Orange eyeshadow has become part of my everyday makeup routine and doesn’t require too much skill to put on - which is good because blending is an art form I’m yet to master – if I’m having a particularly rough morning and need some “waking up” then I apply the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer and sweep the shadow onto my lids and under my lash line. You may have seen it on my instagram here and guys the shadow is only £2!!!

  • Unicorn Onesie. I now spend a lot of time working from home and when your at home comfort levels are a must! Spending the day in a unicorn onesie is as great as it sounds lol. I love onesies their warm, cosy and low maintenance. Loungewear is just the best!

What was your October favourite or highlight of the month? Let me know below! 

Lavinya - x

Dont forget to follow me!


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