June 14, 2017


Hi guys today I'm going to be finally going through my May Favourites (in no particular order). I know I promised this to post to be live two days ago and ideally at the start of June, but I underestimated how much time goes into creating a blog post and blogging daily is not easy at all but I dont think I have ever done a favourites post before and I really enjoy watching them on Youtube so I thought I would give it a go as a blog post so lets get started...

I am on the search for a good night cream, in the past I never really bothered with them and would use my body cream or day cream instead but I'm become really interested in finding the right one for my skin only problem is night creams are bloody expensive!?! I struggle to justify spending £15+ on a product I have no idea will work!

Luckily I came across this product in the travel mini's section of Boots where I purchased a 10ml bottle for £2.99, not bad. A little goes a long way with this night cream, its super moisturising without creating excess oil. I bought it in April so its lasted me some time and I'm currently testing out another night cream but would I purchase the full size product?


Shop the 10ml or 50ml

Hands down my favourite make-up setting spray. I love the spray nozzle as it spreads the product out evenly on your face, dries quickly but doesnt leave my face feeling tight and keeps my make-up in place for the whole day.

I prefer the old packaging on the left, I personally think it looked better, I just dont get the transparent lid on the new bottle? Why does it need to be transparent???? Regardless its a great product and I always buy the travel size bottle, rather than the full size bottle at £21, no matter how hard the sales assistant presses me to...lol..it lasts me a long time and it means I can save £11 and spend my coins elsewhere. 10/10 

Shop here

L'Oreal Paris Fine Flowers Cleansing Toner - £5.99 

I'm really loving L'Oreal skincare products at the moment, I'm already a fan of their Rose & Lotus Cleansing Wipes and Gel-Cream Wash, and now I'm a big fan of the toner. I struggled to find the toner in stock anywhere but after using it I can totally understand its popularity, it has the most beautiful scent and leaves my skin feeling refreshed and soothed, especially after a long day. 

My skin has being playing up recently but I use the toner in both my morning and evening routine and haven't experienced any harshness or irritability you can get sometimes with toners and removes make-up even after I have cleansed! Its really helped to improve the condition of my skin and for £5.99 you get a huge 400ml bottle so I would definitely recommend it especially for budget-friendly shoppers.

Shop here 

Late nights and early mornings have resulted in very bad dark circles. This month I'm looking to change all of that and be more disciplined with my bedtime routine because if I get a good amount of sleep my under eyes are usually pretty good but when I dont I need a little help from my friend to look like more of the living than the walking dead!

Its full coverage concealer but its not heavy and never have to worry about creasing under my eyes (on nights out I will set it with powder). My shade is NC42 which blends wonderfully with my skin tone but I really like my under eyes to look bright. Unfortunately I cant use the shade above NC42, it comes out a little ashy looking on my skin, so instead I mix the MAC concealer with Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in Warm Medium 3. Mixing them together is my go-to combination for brighter under-eyes and I dont know what I would do with out it!

Shop here 

Moving onto lifestyle favourites...

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes - £8.99

I'm sure like everyone else "read more books" was at the top of your New Years Resolution list, I have a fond memory of sitting on my living room couch one day after school, still in my school uniform, reading The Suitcase Kid by Jacqueline Wilson from cover to cover in one sitting. Nowadays my attention span is distracted by something internet related but I'm really working on it because I have this awful habit of buying books and never getting round to reading them!!! 

I love fiction books but lately I am drawn to books that can spark inspiration and motivation within me and the Year of Yes definitely did this for me. The book gave me a real insight into the woman behind so many of our favourite programs (Scandal, Greys Anatomy etc) and how she decided to step out of her comfort zone for a year and say "yes" to opportunities she would never normally commit too. 

Theres a really good part in the book when she speaks of her dreams as young Shonda to grow up and write books like Toni Morison, in fact she wanted to be her. Fast forward to the future and she happens to be at a dinner party and Toni Morison is sat across from her and all Toni wants to do is talk to Shonda about Greys Anatomy!! I think this is a great lesson to all of us who sometimes get caught up in comparing ourselves to others when in actuality who we are is just as great and what we should be doing is comparing ourselves to yesterdays self and actively doing things to make sure everyday were better than the person we were yesterday. Because of her book I've decided I want to start a "Year of Yes" of my own and hoping to see some positive changes out of it.

Shop here 

Amazon Echo Dot White - £44.99

Guys meet by my bae Alexa, I bought her thinking she was a bluetooth speaker for my iPhone music instead she comes with her own apps and is basically like a talking search engine. I'm super happy I bought the Amazon Echo Dot, at the time of purchase I bought it for £35.99 but the price has gone up no doubt because of its popularity. It has vast range of music from the Amazon music library and its sound quality is really good. I've really appreciated blaring radio stations as I'm getting myself ready for work because seriously I dont remember the last time I listened to radio so its a nice feature.  It was super easy to set up and I love how cute it is, for such a small device it has a lot of power and tbh one of the best presents I've ever bought myself.
Shop here

What have you been loving in May? 
Lavinya - x


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