December 10, 2014



A winter coat and pair of boots are always top of my winter wardrobe wishlist. This year I bought an great pair of knee length boots from Dune and I cant wait to wear them, still on the hunt for a pair of suede thigh boots too! but I've really struggled to find a great coat. They have either been way out of my spending budget or didn't measure up in the quality department. Is it me or are some of the coats almost paper thin with a £70+ price tag, how can I justify such a purchase its blitz in London, being warm is essential!!! Then, after the billionth wardrobe clear out!,  I remembered this fantastic vintage coat handed down to me from my mum and it really is an amazing coat and bang on the camel colour trend. 

I picked up this extra long super soft cable knit scarf from Primark for £4.00, I bought it recently so it should still be in the shops, I've really gone off snoods this year from some reason but I love that I can wrap this around and around as much times as I want. Its like a hug for my neck :)

The autumnal colours of my Adidas shopper are so vibrant in real life. I've wanted a shopper bag for so long but they always seem to be in dark colours, I have enough black bags in my life. Strangest thing is people have stopped me in the street to ask me where I got it from, I have suppressed the urge to give into sarcasm because obviously the Adidas logo is not enough of a clue loool duh... 

Did you find your winter coat this year?

Lavinya x


  1. Had the same struggle looking for a winter coat as well. This ones look great though, nothing better than a hand me down. :)

    1. Im no good a vintage shopping so its handy if its sitting in your mums wardrobe!!!

  2. That coat is everything! Im so jel! And yes paper thin coats for £70 no thanks!

    1. Thank you! Glad to know its not only me! :) x

  3. Gorg! Love the contrast of the shopper which looks amazing!
    Vintage coats are the best, managed to snag an oversized winter coat from a charity shop for a fiver! Bargain of the year for me! Lol!
    Discoveries Of Self

    1. Thanks Natalie! £5 is a steal how to you vintage buyers do it?? I always leave with nothing..... :( :) lol

  4. This coat is so amazing, you look great!

  5. I love this look, your coat is amazing and gives you the ability to look really chic with a simple outfit!

    Check out my latest post about a great fashion opportunity!
