March 22, 2013


Well its nearly the end of march and I haven't been blogging consistently as I would like because I have been so distracted, so I thought I would catch you guys up with a few photos. 

The weather is pretty up and down here in London, were going through snow and rain and man is it cold but I am so looking forward to warm weather I can't help but reach for bright colours like this coral/orange polish from beauty base. I've also been having a go at editing my pictures and loving the black and white finish as it makes photos look really classy. I got a little excited in primark, but with good reason (primark really have some good stuff!), and got some new shoes too! Haul coming soon! I don't know if anyone has noticed but I revamped my blog layout and I am absolutely loving it I think it looks a lil more professional and it was all done by me! There are more links to my other social networks, and at the top of the blog are tabs were you can get to know me a bit more. Speaking of social networks I am obsessed with keek, 36sec videos on anything you choose, the whole Kardashian family seem to be on there and some instagram people too and I made my first keek too! Ive been a bit late in starting my fitness regime but I am dedicated to toning up this year. I have overindulged in food for a long time and the consequences have finally caught up with me and my stomach. So mission toned waistline is in progress....

I seem to add more apps to my iPhone than it can handle, but whatevs...imadeface is hilarious I can't seem to get my avatar right but I think I did a pretty good job on my boyfriends! My february favourites are a few beauty items, mainly skin related. Having been to an interview at hollister I realised how much I relied on makeup. Hollister like their staff to have a "natural" look. Ive never considered myself someone who wears a lot of makeup but I would like to be at a place were I could happily leave the house without it. So I have been adding to my regime some products I think would help improve my skin. I have been using them this month too so I think I will review them in my March favs.

And finally, after 7 months of unemployment I got offered a position as a medical administrator! I started on Monday and had a successful 1st week! I am loving my new job. It has been a long road to get here, its been really hard but I am feeling good. More soon! x


  1. 1. Congrats on the job doll ^_^
    2. The blog looks great - i can't do it to save my life lool
    3. I can't wait for your haul post

    1. ;) THANK YOU! The CSS coding is easy once you get the hang of it! I just googled and cut and paste lol. xxx

  2. Love the photos,congrats on the new job!!
    Love your blog<33

  3. Well done hun!!!! Congratsss! xxx

    1. :) Thanks Cherri! Appreciate the love xxxx

  4. Congrats on the new job hun, loving the new blog layout aswell! I'm gonna follow you on keek :P x

    1. :) Thanks Alethia! Glad you love the layout :) Im following back too! xxx

  5. Congrats on your new job doll. Hope you're loving it! X
