January 08, 2012

New Year, New Start...New Blog!

First things first, HAPPY NEW YEAR (8days later but better late than never eh?!! lol) ! Hope you all had a great time seeing the new year in! I wanted to blog sooner (try since May 2011!) but my laptop completely died on me and I became a little (an understatement) complacent when it came to being consistent with my posts! *covers face* I know I am sorry!. Plus if I am totally honest I have been the most boring person ever. Since the finale of 'Time2Shine' I have hardly been out and all I do is work *boooo* Everytime I thought about posting I chickened out and over time it just became harder and harder to get back into the swing of things *sigh* lol

But....I'm back now *yaaaaay* and back with a new look AND blogging on blogspot. Wordpress was driving me a little crazy trying to find the perfect layout, blogspot is sooooo much more user friendly especially for a blog novice like me! Hopefully a blog makeover will motivate me to keep it up and running.Thanks to all those who supported my last blog I hope you will continue to follow here at lavinyaroyes.blogspot.com.

So with that said and done lets continue with my first post...

Well like most women I love all things fashion but I have to admit I spent quite a bit in 2011- especially at xmas- and as a result its left me suffering (and its not even the 2nd week of the year *booo*) and so with all new years come new years resolutions and here are a few of my own:

1. Curb my Spending and SAVE!
My wardrobe is full of stuff. In fact I hardly have any space for all of it as it is and I am constantly adding to my collection of red lipsticks (I   red lips), shoes, jewellery, clothes, bags and, of late, hats. Some of my stuff I regrettably say still have tags on and have not been worn...yet. And it is because of this (and because my mum constantly says to me "Lavinya you only have one back!" that I wont be buying anything this year. -__-  SIKE! I could never not spend lol! But I will be cutting back HOW MUCH I spend.

2. Invest in timeless expensive pieces instead of cheap ones.
I own alot of costume jewellery and it occurred to me if I had saved every penny spent on them I would have been able to buy some really nice pieces (Tiffany&Co springs to mind :)
I'm thinking more haute couture than high street....but that would break any attempts of saving and who am I kidding I still love high street lol but its defo one to consider.
(Look out for my 2012 wishlist in a future post!)

3. Buy new shoes *ahem* sorry I mean ''Wear the shoes I have''.
Hehe its a case of too many shoes spending time in boxes instead of on my feet! :(

4. Have fun and be open to new experiences.
I like this one. Its 2012 baby TIME. TO. HAVE. FUN! WHOOOOOOOOP!

5. I promise to be a better blogger in 2012.
I promise to post more. I PROMISE!

I have a few more resolutions but for now thats all yall are getting lol. Once again I hope you guys had a great start to the year and have made resolutions of your own. Theres nothing better than having a goal for the year! So til next time hunnies!

lots of love, Lavvy xx

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!!
    would you mind following each other via bloglovin? :)

