August 23, 2018

july favourites.

hi everyone! welcome back to my blog!

I've been feeling overwhelmed with the need to "get things back on track". I seem to be in a vicious cycle of needing a break, taking said break and then feeling guilty because I know where I want to be requires me to put the work in on my platforms! "write a blogpost, write a blogpost, write a blogpost..." has been on my mind for the last 4 months! So even though monthly favourites are usually done around the beginning of the month, here I am sharing my July favourites in the middle of August 😊  haha!

I've been listening to the Blackgirlinom podcast and its just what I needed lately. I consume alot of media, youtube, TV, films, shows, voices so many voices and sometimes it gets to a point when it all becomes noise. Too loud. Too much. But the hosts of Blackgirlinom, Lauren Ash and Deun Ivory, have soothing, almost healing voices that I could listen to all day. On my most hardest days just listening to them speak has calmed me and their discussions on self care, self love and wellness (specifically for women of colour) have really helped me to set aside an 1hr max, sit back and consciously check in on myself. It is impossible to pick a favourite episode, I literally binged listened to their past 2016/2017 episodes one weekend, but I would highly recommend Episode 33 with guest Lalah Delia on vibrating higher daily and Episode 34 with guest Yaminah Mayo on trusting the process. 

Adding Superdrug's Vitamin E Moisture Boost Facial Serum to my skincare routine was a great move. I used to be a person who thought serums, eye creams and primers were unnecessary, just an excuse for beauty companies to take all my coins. But this past year I've really wanted to focus on improving my skin and feeling confident even when I'm not wearing makeup but the gag is you really do have to invest in these products! And the other gag dont have to spend £100's!
Guys Superdrug's Vitamin E range is the ish! Its both budget friendly and been really effective on my skin. The serum has given me a much needed moisture boost to my skin, especially under my eyes and I've seen a real difference in my skin, its more plump and looks nourished, especially since I am also using the eye cream, day cream, night cream and oil cleanser from the same range! 

The boys from PAQ on Youtube really inspire me - presented by four friends, Elias, Dexter, Shaq and Danny who compete against each other in unique style challenges. What really appeals to me is that each guy has their own unique look, so your guaranteed to see four different outcomes of the same challenge brief and it is highly entertaining! The boys have a healthy competitive banter, that always leaves me rooting for someone different each episode. I dont see anyone really doing videos like them so I find it really refreshing to watch on youtube and have given me a few ideas for my own channel...

These books helped me nail a internship! - Thats right your girls been interning with a fashion PR company since the beginning of August! FINALLY! 
I've really been enjoying it. Just so grateful that after all these months/years I've finally been able to get my foot in the door, I'm really hoping that this starts to open a few more doors as I now have actual experience I can put down on my resume!!! I literally learned to approach my cv and cover letter writing in a new way and develop my knowledge of PR thanks to All Work, No Pay by Lauren BergerThe PR Couture Guide to Breaking into Fashion PR by Crosby Noricks and Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht.

I was ready to go all "Devils Wear Prada" on them and turn up in a stylish outfit each week, but the dress code is really really relaxed, which to be honest is totally fine seeing as I handle alot of returns and post office runs! But that hasn't stopped me from being a little spendy so expect more fashion related content coming soon! 

Photos by me.

Dress - Asos

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