March 30, 2018

lfw streetstyle pieces I need in my wardrobe.

I know I'm a month late with my London Fashion Week content but my Instagram timeline is still very much inspired by the street-style that month. Which is ok, because its one of my favourite things to keep up with during LFW. It really intrigues me to see personal style and people really put an effort into it during fashion month, that I admire. So read on to see the outfits that have inspired my list of fashion must-haves I need in my life asap!


I'm kinda over the checked blazer or at least I'd like to see it styled differently, other than white tee and jeans, #overit. My new obsession is checkered and tartan print trousers. How effortless do they both look! They're so casj with it. I can only hope I'm cool enough to make a statement trouser blend in with everyday pieces.


March 29, 2018

the catch up #5: life lately.

Hey guys...

Yes I'm talking to you!

Remember me? C'mon its Lavinya...y'kno the girl who dropped a blogspot on the last day of the January, made all sorts of blogging promises and then ghosted for another month and a half.

Ok well, I'm not even going to feed you an excuse, just know that I have missed y'all, for real for real and before we start I just want to say a massive thank you to all those who have messaged me, called me out on twitter lol and in my instagram comments, asking when I'm going to start blogging again. You have no idea how much that meant. I was surprised that people even cared but genuinely happy and touched that you do! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

Soooooo last time we spoke...