May 18, 2014


Hi guys! Here are a few pictures of what I got up to in the week:

1. Daily commute to work
2. Freshly made fruit salad for breakfast...yum!
3. New stuff from H&M and Choies 
4. My new shoulder bag 
5. Getting utterly soaked by the rain!
6. Taking my slides for a spin....guys we all need at least 1 pair in our possession they are so comfy!
7. Epic burger and sweet potato fries for lunch! (it was my cheat day ok?!)
8. Taking advantage of the 3 for 2 offer at Superdrugs Lately I am obsessed with make up! there are so many pretty lip colours out at the moment & I bought my first Real Techniques beauty tool! 
9. Enjoying a cheeky nandos today :)

Its been one hectic weekend but man the weather was beaut in London today luckily I have tomorrow off and I plan to do nothing but relax and work on some outfit posts so fingers crossed those are up this week!

I've just crawled into bed now and I'm going to catch up with the finale of The Vampire Diaries season 5 and call it night! :)

What did you get up to this week/weekend? Tell me in the comment box below I want to know! 

Lavinya x


Photos by my Mother using iPhone 4.

Glasses - H&M// Tee - Primark // Necklaces - Ebay & Primark// Jeans - Topshop// Sneaks - H&M// Bag - Zara