January 14, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Were already halfway through January but I haven't spoken to you guys for what seems like forever! 
So HAPPY NEW YEAR, again! Towards the end of 2012 I needed some time away from blogging and its been a nice lil break, so I thought I would share some of the photos I have taken since we last spoke and catch you up with my life lately.

1. My christmas tree :: 2. Enjoying a mince pie in my comfy pjs & furry slippers :: 3. Admiring the pretty christmas lights in Covent Garden 
4. Snapping away on xmas day-check the red combo! :: 5. Celebrating my loves bday on NYE and having our last meal of 2012 at "The Diner", so YUMMY! 
6. Braving the cold weather of 2013 :: 7. Trying to be healthy and catching up on my fav mags :: 8. Homemade nachos, over yum!
9. Sorting out my wardrobe space :: 10. Watching the snow fall in my garden, pretty :) :: 11. Warming up with some soup


SO, I ate a lot over xmas lol, warmed mince pies with cream are like a small bit of heaven to me yum, really not sure how many I ate lol! Now thats its the new year I really want to focus on my health not just looking good but feeling good, so more water, fruit, veg and the occasional pizza/burger lol.
I'm starting the 30 day shred on Monday (thinking of taking up yoga) so hopefully I stick to it! 

 Ive done quite a bit of sale shopping and thrifting which was fun! Ive been dying to eat at "The Diner" and  finally went with my Bf on NYE to celebrate his bday, oh their food is so good! I had a hotdog and man it was the best hotdog Ive ever had and the macaroni was delish!!!! (Not good for my new diet lol). Now that I am job hunting I spend an enormous amount of my day on my laptop but have become distracted/obsessed with YouTube *o-em-gee* I have subscribed to a ton load of YouTubers and have tags, daily vlogs, ootd and makeup tutorials coming out of my eyeballs...I LOVE IT! lol *note2self: must stay focused* I also decided that a lot of my clothing items are so unnecessary and it is time to get rid so some have gone to charity and the others I'm looking to sell so keep an eye out for some bargains coming hopefully before the end of this month.

I have a few goals I want to achieve in 2013 so working harder than ever to make them come true! This year requires a lot of discipline & self motivation wooo! I know a lot of ppl with exams ahead so if you have too I wish you all the best!

I feel ready for 2013, I've been away but hopefully I will be posting more often and pls leave your blog links so I can catch up on the blogosphere goings-on!!! Hope 18 days into 2013 has been great for you guys, its started snowing in London today, so "wrap up warm and enjoy the snow!" ;) see you in my next post!


  1. I'm glad to hear about the diner as i've been wanting to go for some time - btw you look gorgeous in your pics ^_^

    1. Awww Elle thank you! and you MUST go to the diner uuuggghh! the food is delish! xxx

  2. ahh that red lippy suits you girl. im way too shy to even think of wearing red lipstick xx

    1. Jilian you could totally wear red lipstick! I just went on your blog and you could hands down pull it off girl! get that lippy! xxx
