December 09, 2020


Can you believe it's that for reals? 2020 feels like it super dragged and yet passed us by so quickly! One things for sure no one anticipated this years plot twist, so I know that for many of us it's been a really rough ride, some days it feels like a big ask to get into the festive spirit, and it's totally ok if you're not, but hopefully we can all make the best out of an unusual year. 
My heart goes out to everyone who may be having a difficult time this year, to those who've lost loved ones or who won't get the chance to spend Christmas with friends/family outside your bubble. I'm thinking of you and sending extra love your way. 💕 
I thought I'd challenge myself to take part in Blogmas to help me get back into the swing of blogging, because I've really missed being here. The last time I did Blogmas was back in 2018, I made it to day 3 lol, so I can't promise daily blog post here involving "tags" etc (but I will try). I can promise that for Blogmas 2020 there will definitely be at least 4 posts that will be more a recap of the week, leading up to Christmas, like Vlogmas but in blog format...hope that makes sense.
I decided to go ahead with this post pretty last minute (yesterday evening) so apologies that last weeks recap is a late upload. You can expect future posts to go live on Monday's. 

dec 1st | Although its a new month and more importantly December I never tend to embrace Christmas from day 1, kinda takes me a moment to warm up, even more so this year. Instead I'm stressing about Instagram and if you follow me on IG you've probably seen that I've not been uploading much content. I thought a global pandemic, government imposed lockdown with paid furlough would provide me with the time I need to boss my content like my name is Jason Derulo, I mean indoor content is literally my bag! 🤦🏽‍♀️...instead it's been a real struggle to find the motivation to create. I set my camera up to take pics and the whole session was a fail. So I'm in a mood and find comfort in what has never let me down in the last 9+ months...Netflix. I recommend giving "The Holiday Calendar" a go, super cheesy, very predictable but its really sweet Xmas love story and can you ever go wrong with "The Holiday" clue: never, its the best.


DEC 2ndYesterdays movie night inspired some festive joy in my heart and I suddenly realised I don't have an advent calendar. We used to get one every year when I was younger but over time it just stopped buying it. My brother even said "...what are you 5?" when I mentioned I was popping out to get one ouch. There was not one calendar left in my local Sainsburys or Tesco's, I almost gave up until I found this Lindt Milk Chocolate Advent Calendar in Waitrose. And guess brother now wants to take turns to open each day. who's 5 now eh? he he!


DEC 3rD | Lockdown officially ended yesterday. London is in tier 2 so most clothes shops have opened back up. I headed down to Covent Garden for a nosy but didn't go into many shops as everyone was about and it kinda freaked me out. I did stop to notice how pretty all the street light displays are! I feel like London really turned up the decorations this year and I love to see it! Also can you take a look at the sky! Not bad for a iPhone7.


DEC 4th | Speaking of Christmas lights, please check out my neighbours. How freaking awesome is the inflatable Father Christmas! The lights behind it are actually falling snowflakes and I didn't manage to capture it but around the corner of their house is a fully lit reindeer + sleigh atop of their garage. My other neighbour went all out with the wall display, it is really impressive at night and really brought a smile to my face.

DEC 5TH | Mum and I went down to Brixton Village Market to start getting a few of the food bits for Christmas Day. She's a pescatarian and has stayed off meat for the last 2+ yrs, very proud of her commitment cos me + chicken boi...and me + lamb doublé boi, lol anyhoo...we picked up fresh Seabass and Wild Red Snapper. Food prep always gets me in the festive mood, because to me food is such a big element of Christmas Day and I'm always excited for how good my mums cooking is each year. 😋

DEC 6TH | We took down the Christmas Tree and decorations from storage! Ok its not up yet, cos it still feels a little early lol. I know it seems like our trees going up "late" to some but once it goes up it literally stays up for the rest of December and even for the first few days of the new year. I've been making over my bedroom during lockdown and was inspired in the wee hours of the morning to create a painted wall arch. I painted the opposite wall in the same colour, On The Rocks by Crown, but I thought that an arch would make a great feature above my dresser. It took me one attempt to draw it, armed with a pencil and some string. I think I totally nailed the vision I was going for.


Ok I think that covers the first week of December, not raging festivity but its early days! I think this week calls for a Christmas movie marathon, getting the tree decorations up and some baking? In on Monday I created a playlist of my favourite Christmas songs, its called "Christmas Cheer🎄- have a listen here!


what about you? have you begun prezzie shopping 🎁 or got your tree 🎄 up yet??