April 27, 2019

Dior Forever Foundation and My Forever Story


#AD I am beyond thrilled to be partnering with @diormakeup to share with you my 'Forever Story'. 4 years ago a friend was selling a DSLR camera, at the time I had been shooting content with an amateur mobile phone and webcam. I had just started a new job with not much savings but I took a risk and bought it. Today that camera is still going strong and I'm forever thankful to my past self for being my biggest cheerleader, believing I was worth the investment. I'm so proud of myself for all that I have achieved and every opportunity has been captured by that camera, including this partnership with Dior! To be asked to take part really is a dream come true! I've always had to mix foundations to really get the right shade but Forever in shade 4W glow really is my perfect match! Look at the GLOW!✨ Let me ask you guys, name one thing, "past you" did, that you're forever thankful for today? Do share! - xx #lovemydiorskin #diorforeveruk#partneringwithdior

Hello my loves, I have been so excited to share this collaboration with you guys because I have such a genuine love for this luxury brand for as long as I can remember. I've always played with Dior's make up line at local counters, spending hours testing shades, playing with their gorgeous eyeshadow palettes and spritzing parfum; J'adore and Hypnotic Poison are my all time favourites.   

I cannot even believe that Dior reached out to partner up with me to share my "Forever Story" read above! for the launch of their new Dior Forever Foundation.

Its such a huge honour to try out this foundation, I have the shade 4W Warm and it blends with my skin tone perfectly. My usual experience with foundation involves me having to mix two shades to match my yellow undertones, but with 4W Warm there is no need. I've really fallen for it, its like your skin but better and completely weightless yet provides flawless coverage with a illuminating matte finish. Its extremely long lasting, so the perfect choice to take me from day to night. I'm so chuffed to have this in my makeup collection! And can I add super proud of myself for these pictures I took myself, sometimes I can get overwhelmed with not having access to additional support and then I surprise myself when I really come through with the skills lol. I am encouraged.

Do we have any Dior Fans who love the Forever foundation? Are you tempted?

April 23, 2019

Hey April...

 ...whats new?
     Easter Sunday after service.

Hey my loves I hope you all had an amazing Easter break!🐣 I want to start off by saying I'm so very thankful for your guys, thankful for all the kind words you left under my last post, the DM's and sharing your feelings with me too! I was so overwhelmed by life when I wrote it and it means so much to me that there wasn't an ounce of judgement from any of you and so much understanding and encouragement! I love you guys! - ❤️❤️❤️

Its been a little over a month since we last spoke, so while I finish the last of my easter chocolate stash, let me share whats been going on...

01. about a week after my last post, the headaches were getting more and more frequent that my mum insisted I call the GP again. I did and they were sympathetic, suggested a few secondary care referrals and ordered a blood test💉 Two days later I found out my Vitamin D levels were zero and my haemoglobin levels indicated severe anaemia. The exact words from my GP were "I'm surprised your even functioning at all" - ...nice 👌🏾
The lack of vit D is a factor in why I've been feeling tremendous muscle pains and experiencing fatigue and hair loss; and my iron deficiency is responsible for my tiredness. I've been taking an intense course of supplements for both and there has definitely been an improvement in all those symptoms, especially my headaches. I have to go back for further blood tests to make sure all the levels are what they should be but I'm a lot more optimistic about my health and definitely want to be more conscientious about it.

02. Unexpected brand collab's have been coming in and I'm ever so grateful! 🙏 Its daunting at times working to a brief, deadline and an expectation but also super exciting! I have two in the works at the moment and my most recent live one is a collab with made.com - check it out here
Whats crazy about being gifted a new bed, is my 10 year old bed, has been a main cause of my neck pain. I've been talking about buying a new one but didn't know how I was going to afford it and then...I'm gifted a brand new bed 😮

I've been blogging for over 5 years now but there are still aspects of blogging that I haven't grasped fully yet.🤷🏽 One being brand collabs, attending press events. I'm really interested in purchasing 'Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media' by Brittany Hennesy, I think I could benefit from some new tips that I can apply to help build my platform and be more informed about this industry because I don't know about you but its so hard to find out how to manoeuvre in this industry sometimes.

03. speaking of blogging, I've been brainstorming content to bring to the blog. In particular I really want to bring more content focused on runway/high fashion/designers this year. Sometimes I feel like being a fashion blogger is so detached from runway and sometimes reduced to #ootd but its so much more and couture is literally what inspires the clothes being produced on the high street - remember that classic 'The Devil Wears Prada' scene!?! Theres so much that goes on in the fashion industry that I don't think is being explored by many bloggers these days, I think it would be good to delve into it more. I'm no expert so we can learn/discuss together lol. 

04. I've been making more time for the simple things 😌:
- I made a playlist of old 90s pop hits and I cant even explain the fun mood it puts me in, honestly thank God for spotify! 🎧
- I journal everyday, last thing before bed and make sure to empty the day on the page and leave it there.📝
- I dug out my old alarm and switch my phone on airplane mode at bed time - big difference in my sleep game 🛌💤
- Sundays are now a work free day, no IG, no job hunting, no blogging. Now I'm able to focus more on self-care, bible study, reading, learning guitar. Anything but the internet. 👩🏽‍💻=🚫 

I think that brings us up to speed, at least with the most important things. I'm feeling so much brighter about life, more hopeful and the awesome weather we've been having is definitely helping that...I'm even thinking of booking a holiday and few weekend breaks because you know what life cant just be put on hold until you get all your ducks in a row and you guys really helped me see that. Thank you☺️ 

how's April been for you?