August 24, 2012


Dress - H&M// Bag, Belt & Bracelet - Primark// Converse Trainers// Frilly Socks - Topshop

So in true UK style one can never predict the weather but thankfully we have had a few scorching days here in London...almost too hot lol. Yes we Londoners are neither happy when its raining nor when its too too hot! But nevertheless with a rare day off I spent it with my other half on the Southbank. We had a lovely day walking along the Thames, lunch at Wagamama, fun at the namco arcade and a mini photoshoot courtesy of babes Canon 550d.

Lately I have been having some "off days" (I am so putting on weight! Time to hit the insanity workout again!!!) I have a wardrobe full of clothes but when you work 5 days a week it almost becomes taxing to create a spectacular outfit!
With that being said here I am wearing a easy simple white dress lol.
I'm loving the dress and trainers combo that is so popular these days so I decided to team my black converses with my dress to toughen up the look a little and how cute are my frilly socks???!!! :)

Hope you guys have been enjoying the sun too!
